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Who is


Sounds of the Soul is calling in new Earth guardian leaders who are Priestesses, Goddesses, Queens, Temptresses, Leaders, High Achievers, and all the magical beings as we come together in our divine remembrance and activate our light codes in our DNA, within our bodies, and on Mother Gaia, activating the grids of consciousness for our planet!


Sounds of the Soul is for action-takers, dream-makers, and Earth-shakers.


Sounds of the Soul is for those who have been putting themselves in a box and trying to fit in, but you are not meant to fit in because you are here to expand our planet and pave a new way by connecting with your inner child and staying in your big play!


Sounds of the Soul is for those who are internally ready to peel back the layers, let go of the old stories that have been holding you back, and release any judgments and feelings of lack.

Sounds of the Soul is a place where you can take off the mask you have been hiding behind and shed all the lies you've believed, standing powerfully in your authentic truth that lives inside you!

Sounds of the Soul is a place that allows you to be your fully authentic self so your soul can shine brightly!

Here, you are held, loved, seen, and heard in the highest light of your true self, supported through sisterhood for your dreams and visions, igniting the sacred desires of your heart!


Sounds of the Soul is for powerful women to remember and fully embrace your empowerment, reclaim the divine within you, and shine your light brightly!


This is a place where there's zero jealousy because we celebrate and elevate each other, seeing the divine mirrors of ourselves in one another, and we light up witnessing our sisters shine and share their gifts because your gifts are meant to be shared!


Sounds of the Soul is anchoring in our sound soul, sound mind, and sound body, where we fully remember our value and worth, birthing a new Earth!

This allows us to be the ripple effect that creates tidal waves and shifts paradigms for all of creation.

Sounds of the Soul allows you to go through the metamorphosis process and be the butterfly for the butterfly effect while being nourished as you flourish in the most magnificent ways in all areas of your life!

So my question for you is, how does this resonate with you? If it's a resounding 'yes' in every fiber of your being, sign up today to secure your spot and experience profound miraculous shifts. Watch the miracles appear as you take off the mask and see with your newfound clarity!

Sounds of Soul ReTreat
Sounds of Soul ReTreat
Nov 09, 2023, 4:00 PM – Nov 13, 2023, 4:00 PM
Ciudad Chemuyil,
Camino Acceso a Pozos, 77774 Ciudad Chemuyil, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Co- Facilitators

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Unveiling Tulum's Enchantment: Our Sound of the Soul Journey

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